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This small regional conflict is taking place in a strategically significant location, as key parts of the Belt and Road Initiative pass through Baloch territories, most saliently the Chinese deep-water port project at Gwadar. Thailand has experience major protests throughout 2020 in response to the Constitutional Court decision to dissolve the FFP, a politically liberal party which represents younger Thai values, championing abortion rights, educational reform, labour rights, and military reform including ending conscription. Eugene Rogan’s The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East is an informative read that outlines the multifaceted factors that went into the Ottoman Empire’s entrance into the First World War. Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir: What Television Series Tell Us About World Politics (P… Domestic politics continues to be polarised, with movements such as Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter, and the Gilet Jaunes dominating headlines and eliciting fervent opposition and outspoken support from different corners of society. Sudan, whilst still battling a number of issues, has agreed peace deals with five rebel groups and has normalised ties with Israel, but South Sudan remains stricken with instability and violence, with a UN panel accusing the Government of refusing humanitarian agencies access to conflict zones and not offering full transparency on how oil revenues are being spent. The ongoing low-intensity conflict in Balochistan between armed Baloch separatists and the Pakistani State, largely the paramilitary Frontier Corps has escalated. Here: Your curated guide to the best new books of the coming months. It took 18 years after Shock and Awe unleashed on Iraq for the Hegemon to be mercilessly shocked and awed by a virtually simultaneous, diplomatic Russia-China one-two. This year, we at Encyclopedia Geopolitica have compiled a bumper list of books to help you understand the trends and forces that have driven the turbulent events of this year and will precipitate whatever awaits us in 2021. Betrayal. He brings this into focus with his perspective on why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were mishandled: that in a situation that required agile, entrepreneurial, outside the box thinkers to lead complex situations with many different stakeholders, the military had leaders who were careerist, check the box leaders who were tapped simply because they were next in line. Bobbitt doesn’t necessarily argue in favour of the Market State, but instead views it as a grim reality facing 21st Century society. I invite readers to read the entire book from front to back, but I would like to emphasize to the time-pressed reader that each chapter in this book The long frozen conflict in Western Sahara, between the Kingdom of Morocco and the self-declared Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), led by the Polisario Front has thawed, now that SADR President Brahim Ghali announced the end of the 29-year ceasefire. In his latest masterpiece, the geopolitical maestro examines the twin problems of dragons and snakes. We will release the chapters as they become available. + Google Calendar + iCal/Outlook. Asia was shocked by the resignation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe due to ongoing health concerns. Further, China will seek to support Kabul in managing Uighur terrorism directed towards China, emanating largely from Afghanistan’s Badakhshan region, most notably al Qaeda affiliate the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP). “Even hardened, intelligent western analysts with years of experience can still find the Middle East’s nexus of cultures, politics, economies, sects, and competing interests difficult to approach, let alone explain to others. Member price $117.00. The group is so strong that it was recently reported to be able to raise larger revenues than the Mogadishu Government, and has carried out small arms attacks and suicide bombings against Government and civilian targets. As well as being ground zero for the outbreak, Asia is also the home of some of the most prominent examples of epidemiological excellence, such as South Korea and Singapore. Geopolitics book. From the Gold War to the 21st Century. The Scorch Trials: book 2 in the multi-million…. A high quality digital reading experience. Defenses Against Pandemics and Biological Weapons, War From the Ground Up: Twenty-First Century Combat as Politics, War in 140 Characters: How Social Media Is Reshaping Conflict in the Twenty-First Century, The New Rules of War: How America Can Win–Against Russia, China, and Other Threats, Goliath: Why the West Doesn’t Win Wars. And for newcomers, it is irreplaceable.”, The ISIS Reader: Milestone Texts of the Islamic State Movement – Haroro J Ingram, Craig Whiteside, Charlie Winter, ” “We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it.”. Oromo protests have led to heavy-handed crackdowns by security forces. News coverage of conflicts from the Gulf War to now have focused intently on Generals and other policy makers. International organised criminal syndicates will continue to drive developments across the world from Mexican drug cartels, to Romanian human trafficking rings, to Russian arms dealers. Unlike other “frozen conflict” regions of the former USSR, Karabakh heats up with regularity.”, Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan – Erika Fatland, “Central Asia is among the most sought-after regions of the world, but among the most unknown. ... How the Davos Agenda 2021 outlined a path for global cooperation. This issue is becoming increasingly prominent in debates in the West as they look to electric technologies as a way of addressing climate change and reducing emissions. In these turbulent times, we would be wise to heed the significance of Porter’s work—a widespread romanticised conviction about the nature of the liberal order is leading many of us astray to truly understanding the driving forces behind the novel challenges that we are facing in the world today.”, Eamon Driscoll – Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States Analyst, Armenia and Azerbaijan: Anatomy of a Rivalry – Laurence Broers, “In this year, which has seen fierce fighting between these two former Soviet republics where ancient enmities have been unleashed, Broers offers an excellent analysis of the situation on the ground and how both the Armenians and Azeris have reached this point, staring at each other in the disputed Karabakh region. Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. As of the time of writing, peace talks have not yet produced an interim government and this issue will loom large in 2021. Deep fake technology is advancing to the point where it is often difficult to distinguish fact from fiction online. This calamity precipitated the mass resignation of the Government and has both fuelled and exacerbated the countries issues, which now includes a crashing currency and rising unemployment, social unrest and the potential for a return to armed conflict. With more populations than ever choosing to live litorally – that is, by the coast, we have never been more at the mercy of the whims of the oceans. Counter-revolution: One year later are Lebanese hopes for a new order dashed? and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror, Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars, The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies, Upending American Politics: Polarizing Parties, Ideological Elites, and Citizen Activists from the Tea Party to the Anti-Trump Resistance, A New Hope For Mexico: Saying No to Corruption, Violence, and Trump’s Wall, Between the Sword and the Wall: The Santos Peace Negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Brazil: The Troubled Rise of a Global Power, Forgotten Continent: A History of the New Latin America, Mexican Cartels: An Encyclopedia of Mexico’s Crime and Drug Wars, Politics of Latin America: The Power Game, The Brazil Reader: History, Culture, Politics, Votes, Drugs, and Violence: The Political Logic of Criminal Wars in Mexico. A … And when seeking to learn and understand a region, sometimes an eye on the ground is the way to develop the best sense of reality. They enjoy strong support among their particular bases, but attract scathing criticism from those citizens who align more with the Brussels model than their own, while simultaneously being highly dependent on the EU budget at a national level. Lewis Tallon – Co-Editor and EMEA Analyst, The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History – Philip Bobbitt. “From the 2013 sarin gas attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta, which killed at least 281 people, to the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal with a novichok nerve agent on the streets of Salisbury in 2018, the last decade has seen nerve agents discussed in significant detail. War in Space: Strategy, Spacepower, Geopolitics, Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir: What Television Series Tell Us About World Politics (Popular Culture and World Politics), Part of: Popular Culture and World Politics (19 Books), New Middle Ages: Geopolitics of Post-Westphalian World (World-Systems Evolution and Global Futures), Part of: World-Systems Evolution and Global Futures (8 Books), The Geopolitics of Region Building in the Black Sea: A Critical Examination (Routledge Geopolitics Series), Part of: Routledge Geopolitics Series (4 Books), Geopolitics of the Pakistan–Afghanistan Borderland, All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon, The Changing World of Energy and the Geopolitical Challenges. Myanmar’s 2020 election returned Aung San Suu Kyi’s ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) Party with a majority. Encyclopedia Geopolitica is a collaborative effort to bring you thoughtful insights on world affairs. “One of the most intellectually challenging and stimulating books I’ve read this year, Bobbitt’s chef-d’œuvre is certainly the most thought-provoking. For their parts, India will pursue a strategy that limits Pakistani and Chinese influence in the country and opposes the Taliban so far as is possible, although they will face major obstacles in this. An interesting premise, but one that has yet to be accepted since the writing of his book. This will enable them to secure economic interests in Western Afghanistan; establish a security buffer zone; maintain a supply line of manpower for their Liwa Fatemiyoun proxy force, and build influence among radical Taliban splinter groups to create a lever for Tehran to manipulate events. We're only a few months into 2021, but our editors and contributors have been busy (and it’s been a long winter). Videos can now be convincingly faked to put words in the mouths of celebrities and politicians, which has major implications, not only for the potency of informational warfare, but also creating an information environment in which even online pranks could spark political crises or financial panics. There are a number of works, however, which try to grapple with which macro-forces shape and govern world politics, and how surprise events can be anticipated. Armed conflict on the fringes of Europe broke out between perennial rivals Armenia and Azerbaijan in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, sparking six weeks of intense fighting between the warring sides, fuelled by external actors, most notably Turkey which intervened on the side of Baku. Concurrent with this is the rise of populist, authoritarian strongmen of different political wings, who have stepped forward with radical agendas, including vowing to kill 100,000 drug dealers in the Philippines, tightening immigration laws to prevent the ‘scum of humanity’ from coming to Brazil, and threats from Poland and Hungary to  veto the European Union budget over plans to link funding to the rule of law. Chivers’ book focuses on those who actually prosecuted the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. By Courtney Adante & Jonathan Wackrow. Written in the days prior to 9/11, but published shortly afterwards, Bobbitt argued that nation-states would struggle to sufficiently protect citizens against the modern market of threats, and that a leaner, more privatised, less governed Market State would be more survivable in this environment. Lesotho’s Prime Minister Tom Thabane was forced to resign after being embroiled in a scandal involving the murder of his ex-wife Lipolelo Thabane, who was shot dead in 2017. The 2021 Vision Book is the ultimate guide for business professionals. Importantly, the group’s strategic and rocky theological claims, which of course horrify the vast majority of Muslims the world over, are critically explored using caveats and counter-arguments. Popular Culture, Geopolitics and Identity Jason Dittmer and Daniel Bos Rowman & Littlefield, Second Edition, 2019. Geopolitics book. However, there is accessible scholarship out there that will help analysts get to grips with the Covid-19 outbreak and its political implications. In it, Bobbitt redefines and redraws recent history into an epic struggle between the forces of communism, fascism and parliamentarianism through the 1914-1990 “Long War” between the three competing systems. This area will continue to be a geopolitical fault-line which has the potential to flare up again next year. From the Gold War to the 21st Century. Washington, United States About Blog The Brookings Institution is … Kilcullen uses Darwinian theory to argue that natural selection has led to the most talented fighters rising to the top, along with the most effective strategies. This list need not be read from beginning to end. Kaldor examines horrors such as ethnic cleansing and brutal battlefield crimes not as a symptom of these wars, but as a core component, and argues that international interventions will fail so long as this point is unaddressed. Whilst mankind has been waging war since the first cave man picked up a heavy rock, what is new is that people are now going to war alongside robots. The frequent factual errors are put right. DOI link for Geopolitics. In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro continues to be a divisive and polarising figure. The Resurgence of Central Asia: Islam or Nationalism? DOI link for Geopolitics. As 2021 opens, the post-COVID world can expect some changes in the geopolitics of Asia. Our contributors include Military officers, Geopolitical Intelligence analysts, Corporate Security professionals, Government officials, Academics and Journalists from around the globe.

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