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smartclip is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and/or services you requested from us. Darüber hinaus ist Ad Alliance Dienstleister für Media Impact. Along with the transfer of the ad division, the two companies have also formed a strategic alliance. The range of services offered by Ad Alliance, encompassing TV, print, digital, ATV and audio, covers virtually every genre of communication. In a first step, the newly launched XITE Channel in Germany will bolster the CTV portfolio of sales house Ad Alliance, in which smartclip is a partner. It serves the growing demand for cross-media marketing offers, and combines the expertise of strong media partners: IP Deutschland, G+J eMS, Smartclip and Spiegel Media (marketed by the Ad Alliance under its own name), and Media Impact (the Ad Alliance acts as a service provider) – a high-quality portfolio of TV, print, online and mobile. Seit 2016 bündelt Ad Alliance die Kompetenzen starker Medienpartner und vermarktet die Sender und Angebote der Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, von Gruner + Jahr, der SPIEGEL-Gruppe, der rtv media group sowie des Video- und Technologiespezialisten smartclip. The agreement will see them will work to integrate Nielsen ad … Powered by the smartclip adtech stack, ad breaks will appear similar to linear TV advertising, while offering advanced targeting standards of digital advertising. Ad Alliance - Köln/Hamburg (ots) - Ad Alliance erweitert mit dem niederländischen Musik-TV-Anbieter XITE sein Media-Inventar im Bereich Connected TV (CTV). Ad Alliance was then joined by SPIEGEL Media, rtv media Group and the advertising sales and technology company smartclip, bringing together the expertise and experience of leaders in their respective segments. Angebote Kampagnen Forschung AdNOW Pressemeldungen Data Enriched Advertising Adtech Data Programmatic Advertising Realtime-Advertising Mediennutzung Werbewirkung Case-Study Screenforce RTL STERN VOX Ad Alliance Data Ecosystem Alliance smartclip SpotX Mediengruppe RTL RTL Digital Hub Alle Themen; vor 338 Tagen "The State of Addressable TV Advertising Across Europe" - Ad Alliance-Partner smartclip veröffentlicht Whitepaper, in dem umfassende Targeting-Lösungen für die TV-Werbung der Zukunft skizziert sind. Ad Alliance and smartclip are specialists in the streaming and broadcasting landscape, allowing us to unlock and monetise our inventory”, added Ingmar Rood, Director of Sales & Partnerships at XITE. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you. Ad Alliance ist kompetenter Partner von Werbekunden und Mediaagenturen für die individuelle Kreation und Orchestrierung crossmedialer Kampagnen und bedient damit die steigende Nachfrage nach gattungsübergreifenden Vermarktungsangeboten im Markt. “At XITE we believe that music videos continue to dominate music streaming. #Ad Alliance-Partner smartclip, #Whitepaper. Ad Alliance and smartclip are specialists in the streaming and broadcasting landscape, allowing us to unlock and monetise our inventory.

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