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In a nutshell, it says that YouTube will no longer be available on the old Apple TV directly starting March. It involves running Kodi on another Apple device and then using Airplay to send the Kodi content to the Apple TV 3. Plug the power cable back in. I contacted Apple support and they said to contact YouTube support. With AirPlay, you can also stream YouTube from your iOS device directly to any Apple TV (3rd generation or later). If this appears quite limited as compared to the other media set-top boxes, then we have got the good news for you! 3 Recommended Answers 280 Replies 863 Upvotes. Wait 10 seconds. Here is how: On your Apple TV 4K or Apple TV HD, go to Settings > System > Restart. Die YouTube-App ist nicht mehr für das Apple TV der dritten Generation erhältlich. My Apple TV freezes and restarts. But as always, there is a workaround to this problem. All the other apps work just fine it’s just YouTube. Now try to open YouTube. You can actually enjoy a lot more functionality out of your Apple TV 3 rd generation by a simple jailbreak. That doesn’t mean that YouTube is ditching the 2012 Apple TV entirely. Der Videodienst verweist auf AirPlay-Streaming. Diese soll vor allem für Gaming besser als die bisher verfüg­baren Geräte opti­miert sein. Now when I watch a video on YouTube then pause the video. YouTube soll vom Apple TV 3 verschwinden Die YouTube-App wird auf älteren Modellen von Apples TV-Box bald nicht mehr verfügbar sein. Anfang Februar hatten wir es schon angekündigt, nun ist es soweit. Some of the built-in apps include YouTube, MLB.TV, WatchESPN, PBS, HBO GO, Netflix, Hulu, and many more. Immerhin hat die dritte Generation noch lange durchgehalten, für die zweite Generation Apple TV hat YouTube die App bereits 2015 abgeschaltet. You can also manually restart your Apple TV: Unplug the power cable. According to the report, the change will only affect models older than the 4th generation Apple TV (commonly known as the Apple TV HD). Lock . Restart your Apple TV. Apple TV YouTube app. Google appears to have handicapped its YouTube support for the third-generation Apple TV, based on hundreds of user complaints on Apple’s support forums and in YouTube’s Help Center. On your Apple TV (3rd generation and earlier), go to Settings > General > Restart. You can still watch YouTube on Apple TV 4K, Apple TV HD, iPhone, or iPad. My Apple TV updated a few days ago. Apple war daher auf die Kooperation mit Streaming-Anbietern angewiesen, um ein entsprechendes App-Angebot auf dem Apple TV liefern zu können. 2. Mehr zum Apple TV 3 hier: http://www.giga.de/zubehoer/apple-tv/news/apple-tv-3-hands-on-full-hd-und-neue-oberflache/ YouTube streicht Unterstützung für Apple TV 3 Fotos: Apple, Logo: Youtube, Montage: teltarif.de Bereits seit Monaten gibt es Gerüchte, dass Apple in Kürze eine neue TV-Strea­mingbox auf den Markt bringt. Because it is not possible to jailbreak the device, installing non-approved apps is not possible. As reported by 9to5Mac, YouTube will soon drop support for the 3rd generation Apple TV and earlier.Customers who wish to continue watching YouTube on those models will need to AirPlay videos from their iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Pin . It is not possible to directly download Kodi onto an Apple TV 3 device.

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