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The von der Leyen Commission is the current European Commission, in office since 1 December 2019 and is to last until the 2024 elections.Its president is Ursula von der Leyen, who directs a commission composed of one commissioner from each of the states composing the European Union, except Germany, which is von der Leyen's member state.. A Dangerous Fortune was adapted from Ken Follett’s book of the same name Do CDU przystąpiła jeszcze w latach 90. “The opulence of what you can see, the costumes, the locations – that’s something we’re proud of,”adds von der Leyen. Von der Leyen w rządach Angeli Merkel pełniła kolejno funkcje: w latach 2005–2009 minister ds. Directed by Christian Schwochow (The Tower), the three-hour miniseries is produced by Kerstin Schmidbauer, Robin von der Leyen and Wolfgang Cimera for Constantin Television and Network Movie. More recently, it became home to the production of Die Pfeiler der Macht (A Dangerous Fortune), an adaptation of Ken Follett’s best-selling novel for German broadcaster ZDF. Living in Dublin, working in Dublin was fantastic. In 2015, well before the procurement scandal erupted, von der Leyen faced plagiarism accusations in connection with the thesis she wrote when she studied medicine. But Constantin Film had previously set up in Dublin – for 2014 feature film Love, Rosie – and von der Leyen was keen to revisit the city. W tym kontekście śmiesznie brzmią deklaracje polityków PiS, że nowa szefowa Komisji „nie … Mit der Gründung der 100-prozentigen Tochter Constantin Television GmbH weitet die Constantin Film AG ihre Aktivitäten im Bereich der fiktionalen TV-... Anfang des Jahres war der ursprünglich für eine Kinoauswertung vorgesehene... HBO lässt das nächste große Ding vom Stapel: Die Serie "The Nevers" ist große... Der Bayerische Ministerrat hat mehrere neue Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen Corona... Alle deutschen Kinostarts und TV-Movie-Sendetermine plus geplante, laufende und fertiggestellte deutsche und internationale Produktionen. If so, she had plenty of reason for concern. Im Profil von Robin Von der Leyen ist 1 Job angegeben. Dublin is making a habit of doubling for Victorian-era London. These guidelines were inspired by her discussions with the parliament’s political groups, as well as by the European Council’s strategic agenda for 2019-2024. That process was more intense than finding Dominic.”. All that together made it very easy to go to Ireland. - Ameryka to więcej niż jej prezydenci - mówiła minister, która część życia spędziła w Stanach. And “Das perfekte Geheimnis” gave Constantin Film the most successful German motion picture of the year: Bora Dagtekin’s comedy broke the 5 million viewer mark and made it a top 3 film of 2019 (as of February 2020). We had a great experience there. In particular, the director describes A Dangerous Fortune as a gift for filmmakers: “You open the script and you drown in a world that is completely unknown and very rich because you have so many settings. Von der Leyen w 1987 r. skończyła medycynę w Hanowerze. Nun legt Sat.1 mit zwei neuen Krimiserien nach, zu denen im April die... Der Backdoor-Pilot feiert sein Comeback. “You find so many crazy things when you start investigating the Victorian period – the way people acted, how they communicated – there was so much pretending and hiding of the truth. And this is why we tried to find a style that’s more fairytale, crazy and over the top.”. A Dangerous Fortune director Christian Schwochow and producer Robin von der Leyen tell Michael Pickard why Ken Follett’s novel was perfect for an adaptation. The cast also contributed to the cheerful mood on set, which Schwochow describes as one of the aspects of the production of which he is most proud. We had an open creative atmosphere. “The tax credit is also very attractive, but we chose Ireland because you really get the feeling of London of the late 19th century. In 2019, a total of 11 Constantin Film in-house productions or co-productions (including subsidiaries) were released to cinemas. Zur Bündelung der eigenen Aktivitäten im fiktionalen TV-Bereich gründete Constantin Film Anfang 2006 die 100-prozentige Tochter Constantin Television.... Das ZDF bringt die erfolgreichen Romane von Ken Follett auf die TV-Bildschirme. President von der Leyen's team - 2019-2024. The whole production felt very free and open-minded with not much pressure. Robin von der Leyen arbeitete nach Abschluss seines BWL-Studiums als Diplomkaufmann von 1998 bis 1999 als Assistent der Geschäftsleitung und Projektmanager im Business Development für die Telcast Media Group. Robin von der Leyen, Producer: Dahoam is Dahoam. “There was a great partnership between the German, Irish and English actors. Location scouting took place all over Europe, taking in Prague, Belgium and parts of England. Członkowie rodziny von der Leyen byli potentatami handlu jedwabiem, w XVII i XVIII wieku zaopatrywali większość europejskich dworów. Robin Von der Leyen Managing Director/ Producer at Constantin Television GmbH Bavaria, Germany. mit Heiner Lauterbach, Tom Schilling und Katharina Wackernagel besetzt. Robin von der Leyen translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Robinie',Robinsonade',Rubin',robben', examples, definition, conjugation A to dopiero historia! “We had a great crew.”, tagged in: A Dangerous Fortune, Christian Schwochow, Constantin Film, Robin von der Leyen, ZDF, Making a Fortune: Christian Schwochow and Robin von der Leyen. “It got more difficult when I had to find the German voices for the dubbing. Teuer sind solche Produktionen in... Der zweiteilige ZDF-Thriller wird von Peter Keglevic gedreht und ist u.a. Decyzje w sprawach migracji nadal należy podejmować jednomyślnie – uważa nowa szefowa KE Ursula Dominic always knew what the scene was about and we even tried a little bit of improv. “After the second shooting day we were a big creative family and no matter if people had seen my work or worked with Ridley Scott or Steven Spielberg, they were giving everything,” he says. President von der Leyen's team supports her in her daily work. Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki. Nowa szefowa KE pracowała też jako minister ds. Kandydatka na przewodniczącą Komisji Europejskiej Ursula von der Leyen w trakcie swoich studiów w Londynie zamieszkała u Jacka Rostowskiego – informuje „The Times”. “And even though we had a very tight schedule, shooting in just 49 days, we worked so well that we didn’t feel in a hurry. You have the world of the rich, noble people and the poor – it’s like a big playground. Constantin und RTL drehen in der Sächsischen Sc... Regionale Serien als Quotengaranten der dritten... Starbesetzung für Ken Follets "Eisfieber", Erste Produktionen von Constantin Television, Network Movie und Constantin verfilmen Ken Follett. It’s a great pleasure finding such strong, rich and colourful poetic material.”. Take a look at Chris Pine's biggest roles and the parts he never got the chance to play, including a major role in Avatar.. Watch the video Der langjährige Vorstand und Produzent der Typhoon AG wechselt in die Geschäftsführung von Constantin Film Television. Przewodnicząca KE Ursula von der Leyen złożyła Włochom "szczere przeprosiny" za niewystarczającą pomoc na początku wybuchu epidemii koronawirusa. Von der Leyen explains: “If you shoot abroad, you usually have the main cast you bring from home and all other roles you cast locally. A Dangerous Fortune was the result of a 10-year development deal between the producers to build a slate of Follett adaptations. “Making the film was one of the most spectacular and intense experiences of my working life,” Schwochow recalls. “We lived in Dublin for five or six months. We would definitely love to go back sometime.”. "Mein Land", eine Produktion von Constantin Television für RTL, ist als Serie, die Pilotfolge als ... Ob eine Serie im ersten oder im dritten Programm ausgestrahlt wird, ist aus Kostensicht zunächst einmal unerheblich. It was a wonderful experience.”. Barbara Van Leyen Owner Tally-ho Bergen. Constantin V. D. Leyen Commercial Property Manager Nuremberg. Hugh and his best friend Solly (Albrecht Schuch) both fall in love with working-class Maisie (Laura de Boer) – but when Solly proposes to Maisie, Hugh leaves for America. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Robin Von der Leyen im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Christian Von Der Leyen Kurator Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg Region. That’s what I found very interesting and is something that comes back again and again in my films.”. President von der Leyen was appointed by national leaders and elected by the European Parliament after she presented her Political Guidelines. And you have characters who, even though they live in a very distant period, feel so close. Zatwierdzenie przez Parlament Europejski uzgodnionej już kandydatki na szefową Komisji Europejskiej ma nastąpić 16 lipca [1], ale nadwiślańskie media opłakują już teraz „euroklęskę” PiS-u i państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej [2].Wydana za niemieckiego arystokratę, Urszula von der Leyen z d.Albrecht (ur. Global Screen is distributing the drama worldwide. Amazon terminiert Streamingdebüt für "The To... Bayern bereitet erste teilweise Aufhebung von... Cinemaxx-Geschäftsführer Carsten Horn im Interview, Geschäftsführer Constantin Television bei. “What’s special about Ken Follett is the richness of his stories,” Schwochow says. Schwochow, who is attached to direct Letterbox Filmproducktion’s finance miniseries Bad Banks for ZDF and Arte this fall, continues: “Everybody spoke their mother language – in one scene, Dominic would speak English and the German actor would speak German. Described as a story of love, greed, power and politics, it follows Hugh Pilaster (Dominic Thorburn), the son of a banker who is orphaned by his father and left at the mercy of his beautiful but power-hungry aunt Augusta. Lesen In this case, we had them speaking in their native language so they knew what they were saying. Von der Leyen od 2013 roku – jako pierwsza kobieta w historii Niemiec – pełni funkcję ministra resortu obrony. Jednocześnie von der Leyen krytycznie wypowiadała się o Trumpie i jego polityce. Such episodes opened up von der Leyen to criticism that she was more interested in her own image than backing the troops. “Too many stories from the Victorian period are told in a very serious way and I tried to find a way with Annette to go over the top. Sie hier digital die aktuelle Ausgabe! Wspomniała też o "młodej matce z Polski, która nie zobaczy, jak rośnie jej dziecko". Just three or four people came with me from Germany, including my director of photography, and some actors. “We had an excellent experience with the crew in Ireland,” he says. Robin Von der Leyen. I worked with an amazing Irish crew. Od 1988 do 1992 r. była lekarzem w klinice ginekologii, by potem wyjechać na cztery lata do Stanów Zjednoczonych, gdzie jej mąż, wywodzący się z arystokratycznej rodziny lekarz i wykładowca Heiko von der Leyen, dostał grant badawczy. Ursula von der Leyen ledwo co objęła stanowisko szefowej Komisji Europejskiej, a już proponuje zmiany w prawie, które spotykają się z protestami. We were very happy about the decision.”. American writer Annette Simon penned the scripts, working with Schwochow to create a vision of Victorian London that avoided the serious tones often adopted by other period dramas. “Because you can’t rely on the language, you have to have actors who understand that they have to listen to and look at each other, to find eye contact with each other and help each other. “Telling the story in a very naturalistic, realistic way isn’t something that interests me so much,” Schwochow admits. Die Constantin Television GmbH wurde im Jahr 2006 gegründet und hat sich seitdem erfolgreich unter den Geschäftsführern Jan Ehlert, Tim Greve, Norbert Hermannstädter, Friedrich Radmann und Christine Rothe in der Produktion qualitativ hochwertiger fiktionaler TV-Formate etabliert. Global Screen is distributing the drama worldwide. 08.04.2021 08:14 Uhr, © Busch Entertainment Media GmbH, PolyScreen Produktionsgesellschaft für Film und Fernsehen mbH, "Dahoam is Dahoam": BR bestellt 555 neue Folgen. 7. Robin von der Leyen - profil osoby w bazie Six years later, he returns rich and successful, only to find his feelings for Maisie haven’t changed. Robin von der Leyen (v. l., Constantin Television), Victoria von der Leyen, Gabriele Walther und Marcus Hamann (beide Caligari) Directed by Christian Schwochow (The Tower), the three-hour miniseries is produced by Kerstin Schmidbauer, Robin von der Leyen and Wolfgang Cimera for Constantin Television and Network Movie. Von der Leyen wykazała się też większym liberalizmem niż Merkel przy okazji głosowania nad legalizacją małżeństw homoseksualnych – Merkel głosowała przeciw, von der Leyen – za. Constantin Television hat vom BR den Auftrag zu 555 weiteren Folgen der täglichen Serie erhalten, deren Fortbestand damit bis Anfang 2021 sichergestellt... Nach "Eisfieber" wagen sich ZDF und Constantin ein weiteres Mal an ein Werk des britischen Bestseller-Autors. Być może przez tę zapośredniczoną bliskość z głowami państwa von der Leyenowie ze szlachty zostali baronami z nadania Napoleona, a trzy lata później uhonorowani analogicznym tytułem przez Króla Prus. I’m very happy it went this way.”. Patryk Jaki zapytał Ursulę von der Leyen, czy zamierza zakończyć żenujące polityczne działania wobec Polski na mocy art. If they spoke German, then they wouldn’t have understood what they were saying and their acting wouldn’t match what they were saying. “In a way it’s a story about young people trying to find a different way in life from their parents and the difficulties, and the struggle to find your own identity in a world that seems very free and open but actually has lots of limits and boundaries. From crime drama Ripper Street to horror Penny Dreadful, the Irish capital has become a popular filming location for 19th century period dramas thanks to its narrow lanes and surviving period architecture. rodziny, osób starszych, kobiet i … “Of course, there’s a lot of imagination and creativity in the storytelling but, on the other hand, the characters and the setting are so rich. Für Christian Schwochow ist es nach... "Die Docs" im Februar und "Es kommt noch dicker" im März machten den Anfang. It was much more authentic shooting on the locations there. Everyone had very impressive CVs and had worked on international productions before. Niemiecki dziennik „Die Welt” podkreślił, że von der Leyen jest bliską sojuszniczką kanclerz Niemiec Angeli Merkel. The first results were seen in 2010’s Eisfieber, based on the novel Whiteout, before focus switched to A Dangerous Fortune three years ago. It was different from when you have actors who speak the same language but it was very easy. Though many European dramas with international ambitions choose to shoot in English – Borgia being just one example – the production team decided A Dangerous Fortune would air in German, even though some of the actors spoke English on set, with their lines later being dubbed into German. With the ambitious goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, the European Union has committed to creating a greener world for future generations. So we decided this would make more sense and give the cast the chance to give it their best. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Robin Von der Leyen und …

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